
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a writer, and it has served me well.  I wrote for local publications, wrote marketing and advertising materials, wrote for academic publications, and eventually grew jaded with the writing profession as I often watched others take credit for my hard work.  I retreated into the world of 3-D art in the fiber and textile mediums and hid out in a world of colors and textures.  But, truth is, there was always a story or two in my head.  It wasn’t until Nikki and I met in my imagination that I decided it was time to let those stories out, and I’m glad I did.  My readers now get to enjoy the fruits of my imagination and, believe me, it runs wild!

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These are a few of my favorite things …

I love color. Who doesn't? But I especially like for things to be colorful around my house. My bedroom has plum and lime green walls with turquoise draperies and a multicolored quilt. Yeah - colorful for sure. I've picked up a few things over the last little while...

Because my life is about a lot more than just writing.

I love writing, but it's not the only thing I love. Before I went back to writing, I worked for a while as a fiber and textile artist, working in  both 2-D and 3-D. There's no doubt that 3-D was my favorite. I love things that work together to provide an overall...

Torn Apart is LIVE!

It's LIVE! Torn Apart, Book Three in The Witch of Endor Series She opens the door and, in a split second, her past and her destiny collide. Esther “Ez” Summers could never have prepared herself for what she’d find when that door swung open....