by deanndrahall | 27 Aug 2021
Shelter for Martina Follow What’s worse than a den of liars? A den of liars who are all related to each other. That’s what Kentucky State Police Detective Albert “Bud” Griffin finds when a young woman goes missing in Ohio County. Local law enforcement seems far more...
by deanndrahall | 27 Aug 2021
Justice for Aleta Follow Who’s worse than Wyatt Earp? An Earp wanna-be with a really big gun. That’s who Kentucky State Police Trooper Jack Fletcher discovers he’s dealing with when he happens up on a deadly two-car crash one foggy morning and finds two dead men, a...
by deanndrahall | 27 Aug 2021
Shelter for Sharla Follow Welcome to La Tana del Lupo. It’s a deadly place to be. The college student who shot and killed a Kentucky State Trooper on the side of the highway committed “suicide by cop”, and the bullet that ended her life came from Trigg County Sheriff...